Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin: "Jesus would not have written that kind of a budget"

From Pro-Life Wisconsin:

On Friday, July 1, Soros-funded liberal group Citizen Action of Wisconsin released its weekly “Battleground Wisconsin” podcast and Tanya Atkinson, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Wisconsin, was one of the guest hosts. The podcast discussed the state budget, recently signed into law by Gov. Scott Walker.

Image: PPWI Google ad. I don't see Jesus in that picture!

Discussing the budget, Atkinson said:
I have to ask myself, what would Jesus do? I’m pretty sure Jesus would not cut off funds for poor women and children…

The Sunday signing was pretty ironic to me, because if you’re Christian and you know what Jesus would have done, Jesus would not have written that kind of a budget.
Read more here.


Dad29 said...

They're right, of course.

Jesus would have ZEROED PP, not just cut the numbers.

Badger Catholic said...

Ha, Yep! Not to mention outlawed the org from the state completely.

GOR said...

I'm always amazed how people claim to 'know' what Jesus would have done - instead of reading the New Testament and knowing what He actually did and said.

And there was that something He said about people "who call me Lord, Lord..." not getting into heaven...

Anonymous said...

Is that Barbara Lyons in the picture?

Anonymous said...

But the whole thing is that the budget does NOT so much as "cut off funds for poor women and children…" as cut off funds to abortion providers. The funds simply are 'redirected' as I understand it.

Along those lines, it seems there are plenty of healthcare providers that can provide the same services to Indiana's women (sans abortions) that PP claims it was NEEDED for....

Wouldn't PP's appeal be a fallacy of "False Dilemma?" [Description: False Dilemmas use the process of elimination (disjunctive syllogism) in which the list of alternatives that are presented is incomplete. Often this list leaves out important alternatives or presents the list in misleading ways. In another form, a False Dilemma presents alternatives which we really do not have to choose between; that is, the choices are not mutually exclusive.]

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I don't think Jesus would have had anything to do with formulating the budget. Who's picture is on the dollar bills anyway?

Anonymous said...

Atkinson should press her concerns on Obama, however. Based on Live Action's reporting, women in Indiana have places to go (clinics besides PP)...that is, IF they still have Medicaid. In the end, it is OBAMA who is "cut[ting] off funds for poor women and children…"