Chilled free speech in Milwaukee

From Pro-Life Wisconsin:

This past week, Pro-Life Wisconsin held Empty Manger Christmas Caroling events at abortion facilities across Wisconsin.

On Friday, December 23 in Milwaukee, pro-lifers' constitutionally protected rights to free speech and freedom to assemble were violated by the Milwaukee Police Department. Read more about that here.

We chalked Friday's incident up to new officers and contemplated what to do next. Saturday's Empty Manger Christmas Caroling effort went off without any police show of force, but Affiliated was closed on Saturday (so Affiliated staff could not call and complain to the police that we were out there).

Last night, sidewalk counselors were present at Affiliated and were hustled off the street by the Milwaukee Police Department.

A firsthand account of last night's incident from Dan Miller of 40 Days for Life:
Tonight, at approximately 6:40pm, I, along with 4 other pro-lifers, were told by Officer Patkovich, of the MPD, to either leave immediately, or be cited and arrested for loitering in front of Affiliated Medical Services. There were four officers present, but I was only able to get the names of three -- Patkovich, Lucach and Kline. I mentioned to officer Patkovich that I had been on the sidewalks today since 1:30pm exercising my constitutionally protected right to free speech – sidewalk counseling peacefully as I have done for the last two years. Officer Patkovich reiterated his mandate, “Either you leave right now, or we will arrest you and cite you for loitering – and then you can work it out in court with the DA.” I asked Patkovich to show me the ordinance I was violating, but he simply said, “Look, it’s cold out – I see you over at the gas station all the time getting coffee – so I know you are here a lot. We’ve given you some leeway in the past. When we arrest you and take you downtown, I can show you the ordinance.” Before I did leave, I surveyed their name badges one more time, speaking their names out loud so I could remember them. As I left for my car, Patkovich said, “That’s right, it’s Patkovich – and you’re not welcome.” The police did not “escort” me home.
Is this payback for the MPD being exposed on Mark Belling’s popular radio show? Pro-lifers’ relationship with the MPD is somewhat precarious, given the arrest of James Marcou earlier this year and the ongoing federal lawsuit against the MPD.

Make no mistake about it - our constitutionally protected rights to free speech and freedom of the press are being chilled by the Milwaukee Police Department. We have the right to assemble in peaceful protest of the horrors of abortion – attesting publicly to the havoc it wrenches out on our state, cities, fellow citizens and most assuredly, the aborted babies. Sidewalk counselors are the last line of defense for these babies. We cannot and will not let this happen.

Today, on the Feast of the Holy Innocents, please keep women in crisis pregnancies, their unborn babies, sidewalk counselors and especially police officers in your prayers.

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