Abp Listecki and the Beatles

3. If you could choose three songs to listen to for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Thank God that that’s only a question that could be posed in a newspaper article, because I mean, I do like music and so to choose three songs is almost like impossible:

“Nessun Dorma,” but sung by Luciano Pavarotti. When Luciano sings that, your soul has to be totally dead not to feel the power and the impact of that.

In terms of a religious thing, “Panis Angelicus,” is really a great one.

If you’re talking about musicals, and you’re talking about music from musicals, I’d say one of the number of songs from “Les Mis,” which is my favorite musical.…If there was one it would probably be the song of the lead character at the end; it talks about fulfilling his plan or his mission on earth... It’s a great, great musical, because it’s all about salvation and redemption.

I like The Beatles. Don McLean’s “Vincent” – “Starry, Starry Night” – I love those. (Don McLean) had such a fantastic, one-shot deal in “Bye, Bye Miss American Pie,” that people forget what a really good songwriter he is. He’s a very good songwriter. I like some Dylan stuff, but if I have to listen to one over and over again, I want to be inspired.
read the whole "Take 5 with Abp. Listecki" at MilCathHerald

I've really enjoyed this piece over there.  A while back they did a glowing write-up on a young actress from Milwaukee who made it to the big time playing a prostitute on Law and Order(or in the show, ahem, "Friends with Benefits").  I like the local connection, but the piece made it sound like she had to compromise herself to get a role in TV and film.  I think that's probably a major difficulty for women who want to be taken seriously as actresses since women have been so objectified.  Okay, I'm done.  The Take 5 pieces are very good though. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a movie star -- I was Dead Hooker #2!