Stevens Point convent is a "Nuclear Free Zone"

Was in Stevens Point and Wisconsin Rapids yesterday for work. I was able to visit two gorgeous churches that I haven't been to before -- St. Peter in Stevens Point and Sts. Peter & Paul in Wisconsin Rapids. I have awesome pictures, and some great stories, that I will post later this week [did you know there is a St. Guido? Neither did I!].

The above picture is from the Sisters of St. Joseph convent in Stevens Point. Snapped it as I went by. No caption necessary... I have heard the grounds are beautiful, though.


Larry Denninger said...

...and when she went inside to ask about the sign, there was a note on the door that said: "Come back later - gone fission."

Larry Denninger said...

I'm stealing this pic, btw...

William said...

Once heard a story 'bout the Servite Sisters up in Ladysmith -- they declared their enclave (the now defunct Mt. Senario College) to be a nuclear free zone...and then the radon alarm in the convent's basement went berserk!!

Al said...

We have a convent here in DBQ with a similar sign. Like a nuclear bomb can read.

Aquinas said...

All I can say is, thank God those nuns don't have The Bomb!

Anonymous said...

What is the problem with that sign? Is that something to be made fun of? Is that really our job as faithful Catholics?

Badger Catholic said...

We just report the news Anon. The Sisters do not have any nuclear weapons on their premises, we are I think all glad that is the case.

Anonymous said...

Nuclear: definition #4 from Of, pertaining to, or forming a nucleus.

Nuclear Free therefor means not having a nucleus.

Nucleus: definition #1 from a central part about which other parts are gathered, core.

I think specifying that they "have no central part about which they are gathered" has a whole lot of theological meaning.

Angie said...

Their grounds are beautiful. One of the things I loved when living in the area was to pray a rosary in the cemetery, the older headstones were all inscribed with "Sister______ asks for one Hail Mary."

Badger Catholic said...

Beautiful Angie!

Virginia Zignego said...

Angie, thanks for sharing! Unfortunately I ran out of time to visit the grounds, but it's definitely on my short list when I'm back in the area. If only I knew someone who lived in the Diocese...

Badger Catholic said...

It's probably equal distance for both of us.

Larry Denninger said...

I suppose the Mobile MRI vans can't make house calls there...

Edison Frisbee said...

Probably a "vocation-free" zone too....

stpetric said...

Neither, presumably, do they have a nuclear reactor nor do they store nuclear waste.