Cdl Burke to speak on "Catholic Identity" at Sacred Heart Eau Claire July 26

Intended Audience
The symposium is designed for the general public, clergy, physicians, nurses, chaplains, social workers, hospice and palliative care workers, and any other healthcare professional in any clinical setting. The program will discuss the importance of maintaining Catholic Identity in the Catholic hospital[WOW], as well as explore vital end-of-life issues such as pain management, provision of nutrition and hydration, how to face a terminal illness realistically, and providing for a “good death”.

This symposium provides an unique opportunity for the community, clergy, and healthcare professionals to explore end-of-life circumstances that call for sound, ethical decision making that strengthens and supports the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death.

Participants will:
• Understand the distinction between proportionate and disproportionate interventions
• Articulate conditions in which particular interventions at the end-of-life may be contraindicated
• Study the medical particulars vital to the ethical considerations regarding the provision of nutrition and hydration
• Understand the principle of double effect as it is found in the Catholic moral tradition and the American Medical Association Code of Ethics
• Explore an analysis of the use of high power painkillers in end-of-life situations
• Articulate the elements of a good death

The Ethics Symposium will be held in the Community Auditorium, located on the lower level of Sacred Heart Hospital’s Center for Medical Excellence.
HT The Catholic Times

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