The Practicing Catholic: A Virtual Pilgrimage to Holy Hill

Is a domestic pilgrimage in your future?

While visiting family in Wisconsin last week, we made a pilgrimage to Holy Hill, a national basilica and shrine that has welcomed pilgrims since the late 1800s. The site welcomes over 500,000 pilgrims a year, making it one of the most popular shrines in the United States. In fact, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, the former Archbishop of Milwaukee, celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving there in April.

Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get this virtual pilgrimage started! Click on any picture to expand view. Once expanded, if viewing on a device with a keyboard, move through the slide show using the arrows on your keyboard.

Located near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Holy Hill is a historic shrine, a place dedicated to God in honor of Mary, the mother of Christ. It is also a monastery for the Discalced Carmelite Friars, a religious order whose heritage reaches back to a community of hermits living on Mount Carmel in Palestine during the late 12th-century. The word “discalced” refers to a 16th-century reform. And here’s an interesting tidbit: as a symbol of reform, the friars went barefoot or wore sandals.

Great work Lisa & Joel!

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