Obama advisor on religious subversion honored for 50 years as FSPA

via Fishwrap: From left, Sr. Marlene Weisenbeck,
outgoing president of the Leadership
Conference of Women Religious;
Sr. Pat Farrell, newly elected vice president;
and Sr. Mary Hughes, new LCWR president
Sister Marlene (Mary Gwen) Weisenbeck, from Durand, professed her first vows as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration in 1962. She earned a bachelor’s degree in music education from Viterbo College (now known as Viterbo University), and a master’s degree in music, applied music/piano, from George Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn. As a music teacher, she ministered in schools in Ashland, La Crosse, Stratford and Superior. In 1971, Sister Marlene joined the music faculty of Viterbo College and taught there for 15 years, four years as music department chair. After achieving an educational administration doctorate from UW-Madison in 1989 she went on to earn a Licentiate in Canon Law from St. Paul University, Ottawa, Canada. With these credentials, Sister Marlene served both the Matrimonial Tribunal Office and the Office of Consecrated Life in the Diocese of La Crosse. In 1997, she was appointed diocesan chancellor. FSPA elected Sister Marlene president in 2002, a role she served for two terms. During her FSPA presidency, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious also elected Sister Marlene to serve as president in 2008, a commitment she upheld for three years. Currently, Sister Marlene resides in La Crosse[...but not at the FSPA convent...] and provides canonical consultation to religious congregations.
The Catholic Times

You read that correctly.  If she's good, she'll be the one that can protect the LCWR from canonical penalty without reforming the organization.  This is the same woman who signed a letter twice that stated Obamacare will not pay for abortions.  Now we find out it not only pays for it, but mandates Catholic institutions promote contraception and abortion inducing drugs or face severe penalties. 

1 comment:

Dad29 said...

Goes to show ya' that musicians are THE most dangerous critters....