Whoa, what? "Marquette Method of NFP"

All methods of modern Natural Family Planning (NFP) rely on observation of changes in a woman’s body as it makes its way through the monthly menstrual cycle. These observations determine when sexual intercourse can/should take place – depending on whether one is trying to achieve or postpone pregnancy. Two of the primary signs are cervical fluids and basal body temperature. Commonly known formal methods include the Billings, Sympto-Thermal, and Creighton Methods. All of these methods rely on human observation and charting of one or more of these fertility signs.

The Marquette Method of NFP created by Marquette University Institute of Natural Family Planning [I had no idea this existed] makes use of modern technology in helping women determine their time of fertility. Use of the Clearblue Fertility Monitor can help take human error in charting out of the equation when using NFP.

The instruction manual for using the Marquette Method can be found online at http://nfp.marquette.edu/pdf/nfp_user_manual.pdf . This manual offers a basic introduction to NFP and the reasons to use it as a family planning tool, a review of the basics of human reproduction, and instructions on how to use the Clearblue Fertility Monitor.
continue at CatholicMom

There is a Rev. William Kurz, S.J., Ph.D. listed as the clergy consultant

There is a BadgerCatholic NFP method® but it can only be used to achieve pregnancy and all it costs is a couple bottles of wine and a night out without the kids. 

Seriously though, this is good news.


IC said...

This has been around for a long time. I give Marquette credit for investing research into easy to read/use, more effective NFP. I know people who really prefer this method.

Unknown said...

Ha, Matt. Very funny... :)

JoshD said...

The Marquette method has been around for a little while and it is the unofficial preferred method during marriage prep courses in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee (I emphasize unofficial).

There is some debate, particularly from those who are scholars in the Creighton Method on the Marquette method, but nonetheless, it is a good thing to see more methods out there espousing natural means.

Anonymous said...

That's so funny... BadgerCatholic NFP Method. ROFL....