Imprisoned: The Seven Most Beautiful Churches in Milwaukee

St. Anthony's Milwaukee
Last week I posted a book review of architect Duncan Stroik's The Church Building as a Sacred Place.  I was greatly impressed by some of the magnificent churches from around the world that were pictured within the book.  Then I stumbled across a blog post by John White at on  The 12 Most Beautiful Churches in America  and I was reminded of a dear friend of mine who used to send me pictures of grand churches she ran across in her travels and I would always be so impressed and a little jealous, wondering why it seemed that every city in the world has beautiful churches but my own.  So I wrote to her complaining of the lack of beauty in my own city and she gently reminded me that Milwaukee is filled with glorious Catholic houses of worship.  Of course she's right and to prove it, here is my compilation of The Seven Most Beautiful Churches in Milwaukee:

St. Anthony's on Mitchell Street which is not only a beautiful church but it also wins my vote for the most beautiful Mass.  Every Sunday at 10 AM you will find the pews filled with large families, eight altar servers assisting the priest, a glorious choir, outstanding homilies, incense wafting through the air, everyone receiving communion on the tongue while kneeling at the altar rail, and a closing which includes the sung Salve Regina followed by the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel.  It is perfection!  Check out the panoramic view here for a really great view of the church.
continue at Imprisoned

Good list.  

I suppose I should do a list for the whole state....  someday. 

The most beautiful church not just in Milwaukee but anywhere that I have seen is my Basilica.  Second is St. Paul's Cathedral(interesting, I never posted pictures).  I know I have to get down to Chicago and St. Louis at some point.  I've got a few church photos on Flicker.  Hmm, I need more!   Oh, but then my camera is broke, I think it's fixed ... partially.  My pictures look blurry in the viewer but the pictures turn out fine.  Is this even possible according to the laws of nature?? 


Anonymous said...

The contrast between Wisconsin and much of the rest of the country cannot be understated. Living where I live now is utter architectural and spiritual poverty. I contrast that with where my parents live, in Oshkosh, which has no fewer than three gorgeous churches.

Anonymous said...

"de gustibus non est diputandum"

Badger Catholic said...

.... wellllll.... if your saying Baroque vs Gothic vs Romanesque vs other true forms of art that is true. If you are saying a church that has been designed to not look like a church, I think that is a different matter.

JoshD said...

I'm always happy to see St. Anthony's on any type of list like this. We LOVE our parish! It's nice also to live so close to Holy Hill that it can be our "back up" when we're running a little late with all our little ones :)

Badger Catholic said...

Josh, I'm very excited to visit St. Anthony's next time I'm in town. Sounds like my kind of parish.

JoshD said...

@Badger: Obviously your family schedule will dictate it more, but I would urge you to try to come on a first Sunday of the month, during the school year. They always have a pot luck social on the first Sundays (we just had one yesterday).

As for the school year part, some of the choir takes off during the summer. They're still excellent and the experience is still amazing, but the full choir is one not to be missed!

Badger Catholic said...

Great info Josh, thanks for the tip!