Pictures from a La Crosse wreck-o-vation

A friend recently went to the 60th anniversary of Blessed Sacrament Parish in La Crosse. 
Well, this weekend, I found out that my own parish in the late 60's had what I call a (minor) Wreck-O-Vation. The High Altar, tabernacle, and Communion Rails were ripped out. The difference between the major and minor depends on how ornate and beautiful the High Altar(et al) was. I found out from speaking to parishioners that one of my favorite priest in the diocese(when he was first assigned as pastor in the mid 90's) somewhat fixed the wreck-o-vation and moved the Blessed Sacrament back to His rightful position, FRONT AND CENTER and not off to the side.  The same priest was also responsible for the construction of an awesome Adoration Chapel that was completed in 2006.


Check out the whole story from  In Need of Mercy


Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Our monastic community wrote the icons for the new Adoration chapel, commissioned by Msgr. Hundt.
The "reckovation" of the main sanctuary is truly sad.
I'm just grateful that we had an opportunity to assist in devotion and love of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in their Adoration Chapel.

Badger Catholic said...

I frequent the chapel Father, and I appreciate the icons, especially Theotokos of the Inexhaustible Chalice(not sure if that is the correct title). I suspected that Institute of St Joseph had written the icons, beautiful work!