Wisconsin Voters Favor Pro-Life Candidates Over Abortion Backers

Tallahassee, FL (LifeNews.com) -- Voters in Florida and Wisconsin favor the pro-life candidates in races for governor over abortion advocates competing in the two states. The new numbers come form Rasmussen Reports polls released today of likely voters in both competitive 2010 election states.

In Wisconsin, both GOP hopefuls in the state's gubernatorial contest run just slightly ahead of ["Catholic"] Democrat Tom Barrett, who supports abortion.

Scott Walker, who in earlier surveys has been the slightly stronger GOP candidate against Barrett, now leads the Democrat by a 47% to 44% margin, with 8 percent undecided or liking another candidate.

Walker, the county executive of Milwaukee County, held a 49% to 41% lead over Barrett two weeks ago. The Republican reached 50% for the first time in late July. Walker has earned between 46% and 50% in match-ups against Barrett since February, while the Democrat has earned between 40% and 44% support during that time.

In Wisconsin, in July, Wisconsin Right to Life issued endorsements for both Walker and Neumann -- whom Pro-Life Wisconsin has endorsed as well.

"Barrett is a pro-abortion [also "Catholic"] James Doyle re-run – magnified – on right-to-life issues. Barrett voted pro-abortion throughout his entire legislative career including keeping minor girls’ abortions a secret from parents and keeping partial-birth abortions legal. Radical pro-abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood can always rely on Barrett to support its deadly agenda and have given him their enthusiastic endorsement," Armacost continued.

Barrett benefited from two pro-abortion fundraisers featuring Cecile Richard$, pre$ident of Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The sting feels somewhat better when refering to Barret and Doyle as 'catholic', or CINO's, or Lost Episcopalian's. I didn't know that Barret is a 'catholic'. Which really makes dislike hime even more after what his outcry about Embryonic Stem Cell research being 'limited' by the Federal judge last week. UHH.