Knights of Columbus Rosary of Guadalupan Love tonight at 8pm

The Knights of Columbus announced today that to celebrate the Bicentennial of Mexico’s National Independence, the organization will hold a world-wide Rosary, which will be prayed on September 8. During the closing of its 128th Supreme Convention in Washington D.C., the Knights of Columbus announced that as part of the festivities to celebrate Mexico's bicentennial, the Knights, the Archdiocese of Mexico City and the Institute of Guadalupan Studies will organize an event called the “Universal Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.”

According to the Knights, “The purpose of the event is to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe as the ‘Shield and the Patroness of Our Liberty’ and as the Mother of the Civilization of Love.”

During this event, on September 8, 2010, a special “Rosary of Guadalupan Love” will be prayed in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. CST.

“The 'Rosary of Guadalupan Love' is a special prayer designed to connect the messages Our Lady of Guadalupe gave to St. Juan Diego with the seven sacraments of the Church and the Church as the sacrament of salvation,” the Knights explained.

“This event is to be celebrated worldwide, uniting in prayer the members of all Knights of Columbus councils and their families, and all dioceses of the universal Church throughout the world.”

The intention of the Rosary on that day will be “for Our Lady’s intercession with her son for unity and peace so that the new evangelization may bring about a flourishing of a Culture of Life among all continents and all peoples,” the fraternal organization concluded.
KofC pdf with meditation on "seven sacraments of the Church"
HT Larry H

Also this is being celebrated publicly tonight at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse.  I'm not sure if other councils in the state are offering a public service or not.

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