Chicago Tribune Endorses Pro-Life Catholic Brady for Guv

From So. Illinois Catholic:
Wow.  That's a surprise.  Quinn, however, has been so inept and absent at addressing any of the state's economic or fiscal problems.  He's done his best to ensure unions are cared for.  Wonders never cease.

Interestingly, Brady is a pro-life married Catholic while Quinn is a pro-abort divorced Catholic.
I don't have much background here to comment on the fiscal matters, but it's amazing to see the Chicago Tribune endorse a Republican for governor.


Al said...

I don't think that's amazing at all. Their endorsement of Barack Obama in 2008 was the first time they had endorsed a Democrat for president--ever--since they started publication in 1847. They even endorsed Goldwater in '64, and they will probably go back to endorsing Republicans in 2012. What's actually much more shocking is that they endorsed Obama in the first place.

I can't find a record of their gubernatorial endorsements, but considering the mediocre crop of candidates the Democrats have fielded for Illinois governor, I'm guessing that they haven't endorsed a Democrat for that office in a long time either.

Badger Catholic said...

Really? I had no idea Al. Thanks for the background.