Pelvic Thrust Jesus

Or so that is what .someone who shall remain nameless. called it. This is located at the newly built (within the last few years) St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in St Charles, Minnesota.  Believe it or not, they do have a decent adoration chapel. But.... I'm not even sure what to say about this.... without potentially blaspheming...

Below is the former church and now bridal shop. 

I can only assume the town is named after this church.  Anyone know for sure?


Anonymous said...

What the heck??
I'm sure there is some type of 'statement' this piece was meant to 'project'...but what could it possibly be? ugh

Matt said...

glad we didn't move to St Charles

Anonymous said...

Ha - we like to refer to it as, "Waterslide Jesus".

Anonymous said...

Unlike the gaudy churches you have posted on your website, we (at St. Charles Borromeo) like our new church and crucifix. It portrays Christ rising. We have a thriving parish and you should have moved to St. Charles. The town of St. Charles is named after St. Charles, Italy. What kind of blog is this? Pictures of churches and reactions of "Time for a Drink"? Really? Great portrayal of Catholics.

Anonymous said...

Really? "We have a thriving parish" - how many vocations have you had recently? None according to the DOW website. Most in the DOW seminary come from "gaudy churches." The numbers don't lie. Gaudy churches have exponentially higher vocations and young families. I wonder why the young families drive past churches like this to go to "gaudy churches." It couldn't be because those "gaudy churches" actually foster a sense of awe in liturgy instead of ugh.

Anonymous said...

I would just like to point out that the number of vocations within a parish does not prove or disprove the success of the parish. A vocation is a personal calling between an individual and the Lord. It has nothing to do with the way the church has or has not been built.
Why is there a debate upon the "Blasphemy" this crucifix portrays? It is a depiction of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. That in itself speaks beauty and wonders. That is okay if you are not personally a fan of how it looks, but someone tried to capture the beauty of Jesus. There is no crucifix on earth that does Him justice. All we can do is give Him glory in whatever talents and gifts have been given to us. We will disagree; this is inevitable, but we need to love each other and respect each other.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's the church I will most likely get married in and I will be making sure no pictures of the crucifix will make the cut. The first time my family went to mass there we nearly got kicked out from getting the giggles so bad. I almost peed my pants, my mom and dad were crying with laughter and my brothers were going into convulsion from trying to hold their laughter in. It's just a bit odd looking. I mean, who REALLY know what Jesus looked like anyway. But, I would't mind the Jesus we have to look at throughout the entirety of mass to look a little less...possessed?? (for lack of better words)