Pro-Life Kapanke closing gap on Kind


Great news! The authority on predicting the outcome of political campaigns, Charlie Cook, has moved this race from "Likely Democrat" to "Leans Democrat." This shows that this race is getting significantly closer with Kind clinging to a single digit lead. See what Charlie Cook's says about this race:

WI-03 Ron Kind (D)

Lean Democratic. As statewide races have deteriorated for Democrats, this usually sleepy Western Wisconsin district has become a tantalizing target for GOP outside groups, including the 60 Plus Association, which has purchased $565,000 in ad time (that goes quite a long way in Eau Claire and La Crosse) to blast Kind for voting for health care reform. GOP state Senator Dan Kapanke, who has won two elections in Kind's Democratic-leaning home base of La Crosse, has steadily raised $684,000 over the course of the cycle and is hitting Kind on spending and party-line votes.

Kind, who grew up on a dairy farm and was a high school football standout, is tough to demonize and has never had much trouble since winning the district in 1996. But he has never had to run against a well-funded campaign in a horrendous political environment. Democrats have been hitting Kapanke on relatively minor campaign finance discrepancies in press releases all year, but look for them to ratchet up their hits by pointing out that Kapanke, who owns the La Crosse Loggers collegiate summer baseball team, used lobbyist donations to his community nonprofit foundation to finance stadium improvements. Internal GOP polling shows a single-digit race, but Kind still has a lead.

This is awesome news! I know that if I keep executing my plan to win, we will knock off Ron Kind and get this country back on track. Help me keep the pressure on Kind. Do what you can to support my campaign by making a donation here.
Kapanke for Congress

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