Ironic Catholic: Cool Things To Give Up During Lent

Ash Wednesday is only a week away--so forget giving up chocolate, sugar, and caffeine. Get your "rightly ordered loves" on and choose one of these for your six week fast
  1. All apps (includes that cool confession app.  Buck up and use the parish flyer, wimps)
  2. Wii.  Or Glee.  Or any one syllable word ending in "eeeeee".
  3. Depraved indifference
  4. Thiamin
  5. Using wheels  (cars, bikes, buses, office chairs, pizza cutters)
  6. Wearing colors
  7. Brushing your hair (hint: may want to shave it off first)
  8. Rosary beads (say the rosary with your fingers)
  9. Hand lotion (if you have seriously dry skin, use Vaseline petroleum works)
  10. Being "cool" (aka hawt, awesome, epic, groovy, neat, a first class panderer to the latest cultural craze, getting your Lenten observance ideas from a Catholic humor blog....)
The Ironic Catholic

Clearly I could never give up #10.


Anonymous said...

Nice, Matt...

Kat said...

I hate to actually ask this, since jokes become seriously unfunny when you explain them, but I'm totally missing it: why thiamin?

Badger Catholic said...

It's just vitamin B I think. So giving up a vitamin for Lent. LOL, I like that one.

Kat said...

Well, yeah, but it's the only one you'd actually die from if you did it. That's why I'm confused. Is it just supposed to be a random-off-the-wall-I-couldn't-think-of-anything-for-number-four suggestion?

Badger Catholic said...

It's just a joke.... "wearing colors" might not even be possible(even for religious). So take it with a grain of salt... or vitamin B. :)

Kat said...

Oh, dear. And this is why I never would consider going into comedy. :)

Matt said...


Matt said...

Just saw your picture in the upper right - no comment on the 70's motion picture "star" you look like. Bow chicka bow wow

GOR said...

Hmmm… lemme see hear:

1. Apps – don’t use any. I’m a dinosaur…phones are for making calls as A.G. Bell intended.
2. Wii & Glee. I don’t Wii (I do wee, but I can’t give that up, sorry). Glee – well I’m rarely full of glee – full of other things, yes.
3. Depraved indifference. My indifference is decidedly praved, thank you very much!
4. Thiamin. Huh? If it’s not aspirin, I don’t take it and even then…sparsely.
5. Using wheels. No – I’m too old to walk 30+ miles to work. Wheels are ‘in’.
6. Wearing colors. Where’s my Nehru jacket when I need it?
7. Brushing hair. No prob – mine’s so sparse a rake will do.
8. Finger rosary – do it often when da beads are AWOL
9. Hand lotion…is for wimps. Rub a little dirt on ‘em!
10. Being ‘cool’. I’ve been cold frequently but never accused of being ‘cool’ (I wonder why?).

Badger Catholic said...

ROFL, enjoyed that one GOR