Sorry Father, but this is the best picture I could find |
The Secrets of the Inner Life is a four-part lecture series on four consecutive Saturdays in Lent to be delivered by Father Samuel Martin, Director of the Holy Cross House of Formation in the Diocese of La Crosse, for the purpose of inspiring listeners to grow closer to Our Lord. The lectures will be held in the Orientation Room of the Pilgrim Center from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Lecture Topics
Saturday, March 19 - Prayer: Man’s Search for God
Saturday, March 26 - The Battle of Prayer
Saturday, April 2 - Loving the Mass
Saturday, April 9 - Meditations on Verbum Domini
Father Martin was born on August 9, 1973 as the second of five children. He graduated from Holy Name High School Seminary (Madison) in 1991 and then earned degrees in Theology and Philosophy from the University of St. Thomas (St. John Vianney Seminary) in 1995. In Rome Father Martin received an S.T.B. in Theology from the Gregorian University in 1998. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 26, 1999. The following year he earned an S.T.L. in Moral Theology from the Pope John Paul II Institute in Rome.Father Martin taught at Assumption High School in Wisconsin Rapids from 2000-2002 and also currently serves as Chaplain at Aquinas High School in La Crosse.
Father is a fantastic presenter. I will be attending these. If you're in the area it's well worth the trip even if just to one.
Is there any way to record the talks and post them? I'd love to attend but I'm a little too far North...
Tell you what, let me see if I can get a voice recorder setup.
msvold: I confirmed the talks will be recorded and I'll post them on the Badger Catholic once available.
Great to hear - thanks so much!
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