These are real adverts for abortion pills

EC = Emergency "Contraception"

"You'd be a horrible mother."  Not exactly as catchy as "break me off a piece of that KitKat bar."  How much do you think Big Pharma is pushing this?  Why not just say "Pregnancy, there's nothing more horrible."  Okay I had a couple more "good" ones, but I thought I'd leave it at that. 

Looks like the backer here is something called National Institute for Reproductive Health.

HT Pro Life Wisconsin


Benjamen said...

I suppose society as become numb to that which is blatantly evil. Either that or we've been numb for so long that many of us can not tell the difference between that which is of God and that which is (obviously) intrinsically evil. Mix in atheism, apathy, and the "MTV mindset of ADD", and you have a perfect breeding ground for crap like this and the acceptance thereof.

Matt said... made it what - a couple hours without breaking your lenten fast from blogging? Now you're off the wagon.

Unknown said...

Frankly, the first ad is not very convincing. "Babies are just too damn hard" should be paired with a crazed baby biting, spitting or kicking. Motherhood gets much worse than that! LOL! And frankly, I don't see anything wrong with an occasional cocktail, but maybe I just one of those "horrible mothers" the ad is trying to prevent!

Seriously, though, the "50 years ago" is the same fear-invoking phrase that drives the back-alley abortion myth...that somehow women are better off because they now have access to chemicals and synthetic hormones that damage normal and healthy reproductive processes. Are women MORE free now that they can be pressured by these drug companies and their boyfriends and husbands to damage their bodies for the purpose of being used as an object? Sounds like slavery to me.