On the charge of being intolerant, a bully, mean spirited, uncharitable, ect

A sanguine temperament can be a terrible thing to overcome.  My natural tendency is to abandon my faith and morals to be hospitable, polite, and to make sure everyone around me is having a good time.  That is something I work quite hard at overcoming.  Prudence and charity can too often be used as excuses for not gritting ones teeth and saying the right thing.  In the context of this blog, I'm writing to provide and honest and frank conversation about what's going on in Wisconsin and around.  To be charitable, I cannot deny the teachings of Charity Himself.  It isn't my fault that in most parishes we don't hear about things like same sex attraction, scandals rocking our dioceses, or nuns supporting abortion rights.  If you want sunshine and lollipops, there's places to go for that.  If one is looking for what many Catholic institutions aren't willing to "dialogue" about, you've come to the right place.


Anonymous said...

The picture is awesome.

Unknown said...

I also LOVE the picture! I like your blog because you will often write the things I'm thinking. Best to just take it with a grain of salt...or sand. :)

Larry Denninger said...

That picture is just great! LOL!