"Latin Mass" shut down at Marquette for possibly being Extraordinary Form

Banned from Marquette University
We have heard for several days that the French Honor Society would be sponsoring a mass tomorrow night. It would be the “Latin Mass” we were told, but with parts in French.

It was to be led by Rev. Canon Olivier Meney, who is the “go to” guy for the Latin Mass in southeastern Wisconsin.

Indeed, just a few minutes ago we got the flyer for the event.

But now it has been cancelled. We confirmed that with Rev. Meney’s secretary, and with Emily Schumacher-Novak in Campus Ministry.

According to Schumacher-Novak, “the student organization wasn’t able to get the proper confirmations on the event in time to do it.” They were unable to get the proper information from Fr. Meney, and they didn’t have confirmation from the Office of Student Development. Further, “we thought let’s push it back a little bit so they can get the publicity out in time and do it correctly rather than haphazardly.”

More critically, Schumacher-Novak explained “I needed to check with Fr. Meney as to which for of the mass he was doing.” She explained that “we don’t have permission on the campus to do the Extraordinary Form [Latin Mass] at this point in time.”

But Meney’s secretary confirmed that part of the mass would indeed have been in Latin.

A student organization, the Robert Bellarmine Society, has been trying to get the Latin mass established on campus for most of this academic year, and has faced the resistance of the Campus Ministry.

No doubt, a narrow reading of the guidelines put forth by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee supports their refusal. But of course, if they really wanted too allow the Latin Mass, permission would not be hard to obtain.

What we appear to have from the Campus Ministry is a cultural aversion to the Extraordinary Form.
Marquette Warrior

Ahem, from wikipedia:
Pope Benedict XVI released the document after "much reflection, numerous consultations, and prayer."

In the document, he stated that "the typical edition of the Roman Missal promulgated by Bl. John XXIII in 1962 was never abrogated" and that "in Masses celebrated without the people, each Catholic priest of the Latin rite, whether secular or regular, may use the Roman Missal published by Bl. Pope John XXIII in 1962, or the Roman Missal promulgated by Pope Paul VI in 1970, and may do so on any day with the exception of the Easter Triduum. (Therefore, priests may offer only public traditional Latin Masses/liturgies on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.) For such celebrations, with either one Missal or the other, the priest has no need for permission from the Apostolic See or from his Ordinary." These Masses may "be attended by faithful who, of their own free will, ask to be admitted."
Although, it is unclear if anyone at Marquette still reads papal documents on any topic.  And even if it was read, it's certainly not the first to be ignored. 



Kat said...

Just to point out something, there isn't an indication of whether it was to be a Novus Ordo in Latin or an Extraordinary Form in Latin. Both would be a "Latin Mass."

Obviously, that shouldn't change the problem with the idea of "permission," but let's be charitable. Perhaps there was a more practical aspect of offering the EO that needed permission/clarification that couldn't be had in time.

Badger Catholic said...

Neither the Latin Mass in the ordinary or extraordinary form needs any ecclesiastical permission under current liturgical law. Permission from the administration I assume. You could ask Marquette Warrior if there is a practical aspect that needed to be clarified, but my impression was that the administration has been hostile to both the Latin language and the extraordinary form. I've also had someone contact me personally stating they have been forbidden by the administration from bringing the EF on campus.

Unknown said...

Why am I not surprised about this? Doesn't Marquette call itself "catholic"?

Vernacular Catholic said...

How can it be "the Latin mass" but with "parts in French?" It's either the Latin mass or it isn't. I'd think as a French honor society that they'd be better served doing the N.O. mass but in French.

Badger Catholic said...

The homily could be in French and there is permission for the readings to be recited in the vernacular.

Badger Catholic said...

And since the French have had their liturgy in Latin longer than most places in the world, is there any group that could be permitted to have a Latin Mass? It is part of their culture and heritage.

magy said...

Are the persons (both seen and unseen) connected in any way with Opus Dei? Just wondering as the words and meaning of this article are terrible=y condescending, abrasive and at times down right rude.

I just happened upon the web site, not even from Wisconsin and have never heard such rude language so openly spoken in a Catholic paper. I am most certain Jesus never belittled any one like you have.

signed a great grand mother in Montana,
Magy Stelling
Chk my Face book page: msms886@gmail.com

Badger Catholic said...

Magy, you'll have to be more specific. The quote I took from Marquette Warrior appears quite account of events transpired. If on my comments, Marquette has often ignored Church teaching. If you want to see where, follow this link to previous articles.


And Jesus threw tables at people and told folks they were going to hell unless they repent. It's not all sunshine and lollipops.

Anonymous said...

Matt, as a citizen journalist (who many of us Wisconsin Cathlics rely on for this kind of news) can you put in a call to Marquette? Ask some questions?

It is interesting to me how we here we have a group of young layity(students) and then "professional Catholic" bureocrats dictating to them in an arbitary manner. Sort of neo-clericalism.

Is it just me or is the Campus Ministry at Marquette the primary obstalce to the Catholic faith on that campus?

Badger Catholic said...

... Fair enough, I'll see what I can do. Ha, I agree neo-clericalism is an accurate description.

Anonymous said...

btw when dealing with MU, tossing in words like "alumni," and "donor" can help. As in, Matt writes a blog that is very popular among MU alums and donors and parents of young children wondering what colleges their kids should be looking into...

Anonymous said...

Yes, they shut it down. I witnessed it firsthand. To quote an S.J. on campus, "If the TLM comes to MU, I'm leaving".

Badger Catholic said...

On my laundry list, I'd like to do a post on this, contact Campus Ministry to get quotes. If you have any additional info you would like to share, send it to matt@badgercatholic.com and you can remain anonymous.