Did I just get Alinskied?

The scene: I'm home alone with three kids under three years old feeding them supper.  About 5:30.

Ding Dong

College dude: Hi, I'm with Wisconsin Jobs Now* and doing some polling on how you feel the job situation is in Wisconsin.
*I should have wrote it down, but at the time I just thought it was a survey or something.

Me: I've got a stable job situation and my wife is a stay at home mom.  Both my parents are public employees and are still employed.  I know the overall job situation has not been good but we've been blessed.

College dude: What do you think of the job Scott Walker is doing?
Scene: A couple of the kids start screaming, I wonder why the oldest one is still content. 
Me: I think he's doing a great job.  I've heard it's unpopular, but modernizing the public employee benefits and negotiation system will help us retain our public employees and making these positions sustainable in the future.  Walker sees that it is impossible to have a robust state government without modernizing the public unions relationship with the state.  I strongly support that.

College dude: Well I think Walker's doing a terrible job.

Me: thinking: I have a feeling this isn't actually surveying....  Wait, did I ask him what he thought?

College dude: Something something, Walker something bad, blah blah blah, voter id costs taxpayers trillions of dollars. ....kahgillion dollars to his wealthy friends...... .maybe a "recall" or something in there.

# Silence, and kids still screaming, third child now possibly standing on the fridge.

Me: Okay. (confused look) So are you still "surveying" me?

College dude: Walker's bad dude.  Get with it man.  Like the emperor on Star Wars.

Me: Thanks?

# Door shuts, I wonder if oldest child is on roof ready to pounce on "surveyor."
I've got three kids here trying to feed them and you are stopping over right during supper time to fake survey me and regurgitate the political ads already pumping through every TV and radio program I try and enjoy.  You are compelling me to actively oppose you when realistically you could convince me of a few of your positions.  I looked up Wisconsin Jobs Now and it looks like junior might have been Alynskying, or I got the group name wrong.  I probably should have asked him for some literature or something and played dumb, but the screaming kids and the oldest child (who likely either plotting to take over the world, or figuring out how he can empty every container in the fridge) had me discombobulated.


Kat said...

LOL. See, this is the advantage to living in an apartment with a broken buzzer. They can't get to me.

Well, not entirely true... I had to go to a shop across from the capitol around noon the other day and endured the chanting, drumming, and sullen stares of scruffy people under the Walkerville tents. They got to me there. I have a note on my calendar to avoid downtown this week during the extraordinary session.

Virginia Zignego said...

Kat, did you see the tent with the words "Solidary with Spain" written on it? LOL.

Kat said...

No! Really? Maybe I will go back just to see that. I must admit, there is a certain measure of "freak show" attraction to the spectacle that draws, even as it repels.

Virginia Zignego said...

Yes, I'll have to post it then.

Kathryn said...

ROFL. So funny... Thanks for sharing :) I hate it when I get discombobulated when the kids are trying to take over the world (or the top of the frig) when I am trying to make valid political points with a person who is obviously uninformed. Thanks for making me laugh this day :)

Badger Catholic said...

LOL, thanks Kathryn. Funny how wondering if one of the kids is trying to start the house on fire makes you forget the little things.

Unknown said...

What I would have said (had I been alone without the kids on the refrigerator): "Thank you for offering me your share of the cud from union cows. That must be quite a sacrifice for you, seeing as how the only other thought in your brain is a reference to a sci-fi movie."

Good thing my kids are always around. They keep me civil.

Andrea said...

Haha... we had one of those stop by as well. Luckily, I had answered the door at the same time as one of my roommates, so when I could tell it was going no where fast, I did the quick, "I won't be interested" and made my exit.

Dad29 said...

Best way to answer the door is with your open-carry .357 Mag 6-gun prominently displayed.

If the "poller" wets his pants, you lose nothing. Not even one round!

Anonymous said...

Great story!! After ten minutes, I can't stop laughing about it. Maybe my neighborhood is next. Can't wait to talk 'Star Wars' and get into the 'Darth Bama and Biden' lingo.
Scene: I'm outside playing with the kids. and I've been talking with College Dude for 5mins.
Dude: Walker bad, blah, blah, blah...imperial take over of our lives..blah, blah...recall..blah, blah

scene: My kids nail him with the garden hose and I take them to DQ for reward instead of punishing them for being rude.

Anonymous said...

Dear BC:
Left Holy Hour at Holy Redeemer downtown Madison the other day. Could hear sounds coming from human beings in the direction of the Capitol. The sounds were satanic, so Lord have mercy on us all.