Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Milwaukee, WI

Over the weekend we visited Joel’s family near Milwaukee and on Saturday headed into the city to visit the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum (a great experience for the whole family!). After several hours exploring, we made our way to Balistreri’s Italian American Ristorante for some of the best darn pizza a person can find anywhere in the United States! As we neared the restaurant, I spotted this sign from the corner of my eye.
continue at The Practicing Catholic


Carolyn said...

Woot! Right on! That's totally my childhood neighborhood (about 8 blocks east from my house).

I wasn't Catholic growing up but Mary totally had an eye on me - my dad owned a rental property that butts up against the back of the shrine so I always knew about it and was very intrigued (though no one on that side of the family - Catholics - ever shared with me what it meant, bummer).

Between tenants when we were repainting or he was doing some minor repairs, I would wander through the property line to check it out.

So even though I didn't understand/care for the Catholic Church, man did I find that shrine appealing. If I only knew then what I know now ;)

Badger Catholic said...

Thanks for sharing Carolyn, I had not even heard about it before reading The Practicing Catholic post.

Anne said...

Roses for Our Lady holds our annual May Crowning there. Next year it will be on Sunday, May 13th, the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Might be a great time for you to come and see it!!!
