Possible Eucharistic Miracle at St. Augustine Church, St. Paul, MN!

Above is a photo taken by Fr. Echert, pastor of Saint Augustine in South St. Paul, MN, of a consecrated host.

The host had been accidentally dropped on the ground last week during the distribution of Holy Communion at a daily Mass.

It was subsequently placed in water to dissolve so that it could be poured down the sacrarium.

Fr. Grabner, the parochial vicar, went to check on the host a few days later, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, and found that not only had it not dissolved, but that it had turned red.

Is there a natural explanation? You decide.

The Chancery has been notified.
more details along with possible scientific explanation at The Eponymous Flower

We will be following developments closely.  Always proceed with caution in these situations.  ...but if true... wow.... 


Matt said...

BC - remind me to tell you about the Eucharist miracle that is under investigation here in the DOW - it is really powerful.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus