Women's Medical Forum on the Pill at St. Norbert's College

Women's Medical Forum on the Pill -- The Data. The Links. The Facts.

When: Saturday, September 24, 2011, 8:30 a.m. to noon

Where: St. Norbert College, Ft. Howard Theatre, De Pere, WI (click here for map/directions)


• Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, breast cancer surgeon, VP/co-founder of Breast Cancer Prevention Institute

• Mercedes Arzu’ Wilson, speaker, author, president of Family of the Americas Foundation, Inc.

Bishop David L. Ricken of Green Bay
Information: Click here for flyer

Contact: Christina Pallini, e-mail cpallini@gbdioc.org; phone (920) 272-8271

details at GB Diocese



Anonymous said...

On behalf of all the alumni, we attended St. Norbert College, not St Norbert's.

Badger Catholic said...

What about just Norbies?