Sts. Crispin and Crispinian, ora pro nobis!

I wonder if A and K still follow the BC...  The feast was made famous by Shakespeare's epic speech in Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt.  Crispin and Crispinian were twin brothers who were martyred in the early Church.  The feast was removed from the General Calendar following the Vatican II liturgical reforms.

Martyrdom of SS Crispin and Crispinian

Makes me feel like standing up on a beer barrel and giving this speech to Sconnies as to how we will pass Personhood in Wisconsin.



Kathryn said...

I am here! I follow. :)

Our little boy here just asked to watch it again once he saw it on the computer screen. Ah, a little Catholic-Shakespearian-Warrior in the making.

Badger Catholic said...

What a good boy! We need to come and visit.