UW Badger Catholic funding approved

A student government committee approved Badger Catholic's 2012-'13 budget in a meeting Thursday.

The Student Services Finance Committee passed the $160,300 budget after making minor amendments to the group's original proposed budget.

SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart said the committee approved the funding because Badger Catholic had a responsible fiscal budget.

"There were just a couple changes to salaries and advertising that were needed to make the budget as well as it could be," Neibart said.
Daily Cardinal
Badger Catholic Chair Nico Fassino also spoke during Monday’s meeting and asked for an overall decrease in funding.

Fassino also apologized for an unintentional violation incident concerning bookkeeping later deemed to be minor by SSFC.
Badger Herald


Virginia Zignego said...

That hair!

Joe @ Defend Us In Battle said...

Ok, wait, now I am confused... Did I read that right? They are getting $160,000 to run a a STUDENT GROUP? I don't think that I have to justify where I stand when it comes to Catholic things... but that is a RIDICULOUS amount of money to give to a student group, especially a religious one...

Where does all that money go?

Badger Catholic said...

They bring in speakers, like Dinesh D'Souza and host debates.


This debate cost $10,000 dollars, and that's just for one debate for the entire year. I hope they can host more events like this.

I imagine they also have at least a few regular staff members as well. To me that's chump change for a group like this.

Joe @ Defend Us In Battle said...

I'd have to see the numbers. I have been involved with student gov'ts and these sorts of things, and that number just seems HUGE.

I guess if we are talking Salaries there must be more to this than being a run of the mill student group, I just have a hard time with student fees, student groups, and the like. I think universities are generally large ponzi schemes that get all sorts of money from a bunch of people, and dole it out to a select few.

Maybe I have been in Alaska too long, and my "libertarian" is showing. (FTR- I am not libertarian, but in Alaska, you develop it... a bit.)

Badger Catholic said...

They are trailblazers. Between alumni and tuition - not to mention TV contracts, UW is doing quite well for itself.

Maggie said...

@Joe, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to get your hands on an annual report. (go here for more about Badger Catholic) When I was a student at UW I worked for Badger Catholic (then called something else) as a peer mentor and coordinated their theater arts program. And yes, every cent was accounted for fastidiously, and put to good use. As Matt said, bringing in top speakers for big events is quite costly, and funding service trips, etc. It is a major victory that we've received SSFC funding for the past several years- there was a tense period when such a blessing was not possible. They do an incredible amount of good on campus, and I am quite proud to be an alumna of Badger Catholic :-)

Kat said...

If you want to check out the budget on GSSF monies distributed, go to http://www.asm.wisc.edu/ssfc-segfees.html That'll give you a good grasp on the larger groups funded through seg fees, the ones that usually have numbers of students served ranging in the thousands.