Benefit dinner for Madison's St. Ambrose Academy

MADISON -- St. Ambrose Academy is excited to announce its Fifth Annual Benefit Dinner, which is coordinated this year by St. Ambrose Academy’s new Director of Development, Laura Karlen.

The event will celebrate Catholic education throughout the diocese by inviting Catholic primary schools whose students have gone to St. Ambrose or whose students are on the Academy waiting list to attend the dinner and set up informational tables. Those in attendance will thus have an opportunity to learn more about Catholic education in our area.

Karlen, who also coordinates the 40 Days For Life prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood, first learned about St. Ambrose Academy through Madison pro-life events at which Ambrose students were unfailingly present.

“Every time my life intersected with Ambrose students, I could sense their closeness to Christ and their joy in their faith. Joy is a rare thing in our culture, and here at St. Ambrose, the students are radiantly on fire for the faith. People want to invest in joy,” said Karlen. “It gives them hope for the future. People recognize the light in the eyes of St. Ambrose students.

“Too often people don’t consider joy in our culture; they only pursue material happiness. Joy is the spiritual, lasting peace of knowing we are in union with God, whereas happiness is the fleeting satisfaction of our desires. Our students will build up the Church by radiating Christ and winning over those around them who find that joy infectious.”
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1 comment:

Maggie said...

Go and support them if you can! St. Ambrose is an exception institution, with Bishop Morlino's enthusiastic support, highly credentialed faculty, a great esprit de corps among its students, and offers uniquely Catholic classical education in a city where critical thinking and objective truth are often scorned in the face of relativism.

Go Guardians!