Gov. Walker says Capitol evergreen is a Christmas, not holiday, tree

Gov. Walker said Monday that the evergreen decorated with ornaments and adorned with a star in the center of Wisconsin's Capitol Rotunda is a Christmas tree, not a holiday tree as it's been called for the past 25 years.

The roughly 30-foot-tall tree was called a Christmas tree from the first display in 1916 until 1985. That's when politicians bowed to concerns about government endorsing religion and started referring to it as a holiday tree.

The Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation has opposed the term Christmas tree, saying it offends nonreligious people and amounts to a government endorsement of Christianity.

They are upset because Christians are celebrating a Christian holiday...  I don't get upset when they celebrate the Chinese Revolution, Earth Day, Bastille Day, Darwin Day, or of course their biggest holiday on April 1st. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If someone objects - simply ask them "What holiday.....?

I'd imagine they'd have to really strain to not answer, "Christmas."

Endorsing a religion? Try, "celebrating a holiday...the one called Christmas." Really, these people need to lighten up...maybe start with a drink and a block of cheese.