+Listecki to lead Rome pilgrimage as part of Vatican visit

Wisconsin’s Catholic bishops, including Milwaukee Archdiocese Jerome Listecki, will head to Rome in February for his quinquennial ad limina trip, in which prelates provide the Vatican a full accounting of their ministries and operations every five years.

As part of that pilgrimage, Listecki will meet with Pope Benedict XVI and individual offices of the Roman Curia, or Vatican administration, and discussions will range from pastoral priorities and initiatives to the bankruptcy, said spokeswoman Julie Wolf. Some of the meetings, including the visit with the Pope, are likely to be group sessions that include other the bishops in the region -- Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana.

Listecki will be in Rome from Feb. 10 to 17, and local Catholics are invited to travel with him, according to a post on the archdiocese web site.
MJS FaithWatch

I just have to say that the new Journal Sentinel FaithWatch blog is being done really well!  I've been pleasantly surprised.  I just wish they had an RSS feed for it so I could put it on the side bar.  When I tried it before it was showing all stories, not just FaithWatch.  The sports one seems to work fine though.  Okay I just tried it again and it looks like it's working.  I need to clean up that side bar a bit I think....  Oh but I have found these posts to actually be more interesting to me than the feature articles on religion.  They did a big writeup on women's ordination when Call to Action was in town.  Those stories tend to be a bit more boring when the editor just has an axe to grind.  Rah, rah, rah, Church needs to get a clue.. zzzzzzzzzzzz.  If they start their own church, or have an honest debate, that would be interesting but otherwise it's the same old story I've read 100 times. 


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