La Crosse Sacred Worship director to appear on EWTN Theology Roundtable

Catch Father Martis and Professor Chris Carstens [Director of Sacred Worship for La Crosse Diocese] on EWTN! Theology Roundtable will air the first of a three part series on implementation of the New Missal, highlighting the Liturgical Institute's Mystical Body, Mystical Voice program.

Sunday 11/13, 10 PM Eastern
Tuesday 11/15, 1 PM ET
Thursday 11/17, 5 AM ET
The Liturgical Institute

This last Tuesday, Chris also presented at Theology on Tap in La Crosse.  He really did a fantastic job.  We had probably 20-25 people come.  As you can imagine, he's giving several talks a week and it really made me appreciate all the work he's been putting in leading up to Advent.  ...  I also realized that people my age do not think like me... or at least these ones didn't.  Someone was actually arguing(and laying it on pretty thick) that pro multis should not be translated  "for many" but that translating it that way was Calvinistic.  *sigh*  Chris was much more patient that I could have been.  Without getting into too many details, does this young man really think that the whole Church up until now actually was filled with a bunch of idiots who really couldn't figure out how to liturgically express this mystery?  It is so hard for me to communicate with modernists who basically disregard all of Church history in coming to a conclusion.  There are several reasons why pro multis is used.  Aquinas said in the Summa that "the many" was referring either to the elect among the Gentiles or to those for whom Mass is offered.  Yes Jesus died for all, even sinners who reject him, but the Mass isn't just an anti-Calvinism high five.  There is depth here that should be explored prior to a wagging of the finger. 

"He was offered but once to bear the sins of many. Why does he [St. Paul] say, 'of many,' and not 'of all?' Because not all had faith. Although He died for all, as far as He is concerned, to save all, His death voiding the downfall of mankind, yet He did not take away the sins of all, because they themselves did not want Him to do this." - St. John Chrysostom, exegesis for Hebrews 9:28

Alright I really didn't mean to rant beyond the fact that *gasp* people actually had thought of some of these things prior to the 1970s. 


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