For God and King!!!!!

Navis Pictures

This coming on the heels of a movie on the Cristeros and the Spanish Revolution!  Someone pinch me!

What next, Lepanto??!?


Kat said...

Oh, oh, oh! I have been studying up on the Vendee recently! And so appropriate a time for this kind of story, too.

Anne said...

Looks great! Is this coming to the theaters or on video or what? I have to see it!

Badger Catholic said...

A great intro book to this is The Guillotine and the Cross by Warren Carroll for those who aren't familiar.

Anne, I'm not sure. If you follow the Navis Pictures link it takes you to the website of the producer. It looks very low budget but the preview seems to really capture the spirit of the Vendee.

Badger Catholic said...

Kat the Vendee counter-revolution is one of my favorite stories, even if it is a tragedy.

Badger Catholic said...

I should say that the other films I mentioned had real budgets, this is looks like a group of college kids who put this together. Not that it's bad, but just to set your expectations. The priest looks like he's maybe 20 years old, as do most of the cast. Cathelineau was in his mid thirties, Louis d'Elbée was in his 40s as were most of the leaders.

Virginia Zignego said...

That reminds me, I still have your book...

Anonymous said...

this topic def. deserves film treatment, but why do some of these soldiers look to be under 10 years old? I wonder who funded this project, my guess is there is some tie to Christendom college or a large group of home-schoolers.

Jim Morlino said...

Hey Friends,
The answers to these and all your questions about the film and the work of Navis Pictures may be found on our website. Thanks for posting us, Badger!
- Jim Morlino
President, Navis Pictures

Badger Catholic said...

Thank you for your work Jim!

Al said...

"What next, Lepanto??!?"
With the right script that accurately reflects the power of prayer, esp the Rosary, we can only hope!