Former GB Bishop Zubik(Pittsburg) on Obama to Catholic Church: “To Hell with You.”

Kathleen Sebelius and through her, the Obama administration, have said “To Hell with You” to the Catholic faithful of the United States.

To Hell with your religious beliefs,
To Hell with your religious liberty,
To Hell with your freedom of conscience.

We’ll give you a year, they are saying, and then you have to knuckle under. As Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops responded, “in effect, the president is saying that we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences.” 
continue at Diocese of Pittsburg

The bishops are really stepping up!  It was very odd when the Wisconsin Catholic Conference was neutral when the state did the same thing to Wisconsin Catholics. 

HT Fr Z, Stella



Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that the US Bishops are stepping up to the plate now...but I have to ask, couldn't they see this coming when President Obama was running for office?

PA Catholic said...

If you live in Pennsylvania, contact your legislators through the Pennsylvania Catholic Advocacy Network here: