One more post and we'll move along

Only because a friend posted this last night followed by "I'm trapped in a glass case of emotion" and it made me laugh enough to feel better.

Maybe it was providential but I had to work all weekend so I had a healthy distraction to the game.

Stat of the day, since the 1998 Super Bowl loss the Packers playoff record:
Home: 2-4
Away: 4-4

One more stat, excluding last year, the Packers last road victory in the playoffs came in 1993 at Detroit.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Negativo, Bro. Don't forget the 1995-96 season's 27-17 upset of the World Champion SF 49ers. That game got 4.5 cheeseburgers on the scale I just made up for ranking Packer game awesomeness.

On the flip side, if you'd ever like to punish your readers with a guest post analysis of the top 10 most excruciatingly painful Packer losses of the last 25 years, I'm your man. (You might be surprised to know I rank this one as only the third worst.)