SNAP: Milwaukee Archdiocese's strategy might disqualify abuse victims

With just weeks to go before a Feb. 1 deadline in its bankruptcy, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is casting a wide net in search of clergy sex abuse victims who might seek to file claims, publishing ads in state and national newspapers and asking its parishes and schools to spread the word.

At the same time, victims advocates say, the archdiocese is embarking on a legal strategy that could result in the vast majority of the nearly 200 sex abuse claims filed to date being thrown out of court, leaving those victims ineligible for a financial settlement from the church - and perhaps changing the trajectory of the bankruptcy case.

That strategy will be tested Feb. 9, when U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Susan V. Kelley hears arguments on a motion, filed in No vember by the archdiocese under court seal, objecting to three victims' claims for compensation.

Lawyers for victims and a church official declined to identify the cases or the legal reasoning behind the move, citing the court seal.
continue at MJS

No time to comment but I think this piece is disingenuous.  "Strategy" .. sigh.  What MJS continues to do is assume that all abuse victims want to destroy the archdiocese as much as they do.  Of course, this is the same MJS that publicly endorses prosecution of dead priests and bishops.    

1 comment:

Dad29 said...

The MJS takes its stenographic notes from SNAP.

You'll note that the A'diocesan lawyer (Frank LoCoco) is never quoted except on humdrum stuff.

That's because LoCoco actually keeps the secrets that "sealed motions" are supposed to be.