Abp Weakland to speak at We Lost Vatican II conference

Vatican II Lives
Keeping Alive the Vision and
Passion of the Council

Should I go on?  And we are supposed to not call the man a "disgrace."  You can find out all the details at USCatholicPriests.org. I find it astounding that the crowd is abandoning "The Spirit of Vatican II" moniker.  If they truly believe that Vatican II was a rupture with the historical Church, why are they afraid now to admit it?  Here is Abp Weakland's talk:
Archbishop Rembert Weakland OSB – “The Origins of Paul VI’s Novus Ordo”
1. What was the implementation committee (the Consilium) trying to accomplish?
2. In which of these areas did it succeed best?
3.What remains to be done?
I know this is hard to believe but, yes, even Fr. John Heagle of the Diocese of La Crosse will be there to "addresses the challenge of building bridges instead of walls."  Don't miss out on the keynote: "Fulfilling the Unfinished Agenda of Vatican II" or how about "Towards a Post-conciliar Theology of the Priesthood."  Or how about the Collegeville dude and “The New Roman Missal: What is the Problem, and What Can We Do About It?”

And please stay late for the St. Louis Jesuits Concert, ROFL!  You just can't make this stuff up!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fantastic conference. Hope to see you there!

Larry Denninger said...

Different bread, same old filling.

Would you like some whine with your cr*p sandwich?

Anonymous said...

Larry D,


Darla Meyers said...

Why do The Dissenting Duo of Ferder and Heagle continue to use a bio that states they're operating TARA Therapy and Renewal when it closed in 2004? http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2001911373_tara24m.html

Badger Catholic said...

Good find RF!