
So Mark Shea had some thought on Rick Santorum...  I can see his point.

I am not voting for Sen. Santorum for this reason as RecoveringFeminist commented in my previous post:
We will not end abortion until we end the contraceptive mentality. This is from February 16, 2012:

Santorum defends moral versus political stance on contraception while caught in crossfire of super PAC supporter's 'bad joke' - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

"...I mean, the bottom line is my position is very clear. I've had a -- a consistent record...of supporting women's right to have contraception. I've supported funding for it. ..."

"...But the issue of contraception, that's not the case. It's something that people have a right to do in this country. And it certainly will be safe to do so under the Santorum presidency. ..."
Contraception is a bit tricky.  Supporting a national ban isn't plausable.  The matter should be allowed to be regulated by each state (90% of this countries political problems come from the overreach of the federal government).  But when public funding for contraception is "safe to do so under the Santorum presidency" I think I have to look elsewhere.  For the record, I am supporting another candidate.

I'm glad everyone enjoyed the Santorum photos this week.   I am grateful that a man of such deep faith is running for president.  I just wish his political positions were more in line with Church teaching.


Anonymous said...

You are a wise man Matt! Ron Paul is easily the best candidate for Catholics. Rick Santorum may be a Catholic in his personal life, but he is a neo-con in his public life. This means the continual massive funding of the culture of death through support for contraception, nibbling around the edges on the life issues never threatening unrestricted abortion, and venturing into illegal and unjust (i.e. evil) wars against countries that have not attacked us. Ron Paul is the best hope the American people have had in my lifetime to affect real change.

Dad29 said...

You support the Libertarian?

My, my.

Dad29 said...

THIS candidate?

...In separate Sunday talk show appearances, Newt Gingrich affirmed that he would vote for the Republican nominee in the general election while Ron Paul was noncomittal... --AmSpecBlog, 4/1/12

Badger Catholic said...

Playing politics is what got us into this mess.

Virginia Zignego said...

I find it interesting, on the heels of Paul Ryan and Ron Johnson endorsing Romney, Santorum is in the midst of the very same situation as he created with his endorsement years ago of pro-abort Arlen Specter, as opposed to pro-life Toomey. In the name of playing the political game.

Dad29 said...

There's a reason that Conservatives are not Republicans.

That said, the Libertarian is, at the philosophical root, antinomian--that is, they are atheists (at best, agnostics) if they are consistent.

I'll take a flawed but believing Pubbie, thanks.