Lenten observances from around Wisconsin

I have heard first-hand accounts of how Triduum, Easter Sunday and Palm Sunday were observed in various parishes across Wisconsin.

Some of the more, ah, interesting accounts:
- A Waukesha parish, which shall not be named, had a female read Jesus' part during the Gospel reading on Palm Sunday;
- Bishop Sklba and retired Archbishop Weakland celebrated Easter Sunday Mass at the Cathedral in Milwaukee;
- And at an unnamed Diocese of Madison Peoria, IL parish, a couple was praying the Rosary in front of the sanctuary after the Easter Vigil Mass, and a parade of lay people were going through the sanctuary, and the consecrated hosts were removed in a tupperware container.


Below is a You Tube from the low Mass (Latin) at St. Stanislaus in Milwaukee. (If you're interested, read about St. Stanislaus here; his feast day was April 11.)

Update, 2:15 pm: A friend sent me this article about the TLM in England. Canon Meney, previously our priest at St. Stan's, is now in charge of bringing the Latin Mass to England. Anti-Catholicism is very prevalent in England, so keep this latest effort of the ICKSP in your prayers.


Aquinas said...

Despite what was reported in the local press, Weakland did NOT celebrate Mass at the Cathedral on Easter. Sklba, who now sports a beard, looks, from a distance, eerily like Weakland. It was he who celebrated Easter at the cathedral. The "reporters" from the Journal-Sentinel are either too incompetent or too lazy to actually verify such things...

JoshD said...

Where are the positive things that went on during Holy Week and the Triduum. While I acknowledge a lot of ugliness around our area, and that we should work to change such things where we can, there were no doubt tons of reverent, holy celebrations with no acknowledgement.

Anonymous said...

The Madison incident was actually in the Diocese of Peoria, IL. We were visiting my in-laws.

Badger Catholic said...

Fair enough JoshD. If anyone has photos they can send in, please do. I'm certain there were many beautiful liturgies for Holy Week, but we can only speak to what we witness or what readers send us.

JoshD said...

Sadly, I open my mouth but can't offer any of the same as I was out of town with family for the Triduum. I have faith that my parish (St. Anthony's in Milwaukee) did a wonderful job though. I was at St. John Cantius in Chicago. Beautiful as always!