Santorum endorses Wis Personhood... a little late.

What the kids these days call an epic fail.
Today presidential candidate Rick Santorum endorsed the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment, legislation that would amend the Wisconsin Constitution to apply personhood rights to preborn children at all stages of development. Introduced by Representative Andre Jacque (R-Bellevue) last October, Assembly Joint Resolution (AJR) 77 seeks to extend the inalienable right to life found in the Wisconsin Constitution to all preborn children from the beginning of their lives.

“I support the efforts of Wisconsin to protect the unborn through a state Constitutional Amendment,” said Santorum. “As our founders declared, our Creator endowed us with inalienable rights - of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Protecting the unborn is the starting point for preserving the American dream and opportunity for all."
continue at Pro-Life Wisconsin

Not a "fail" that he endorsed it, but that his campaign in Wisconsin blocked the issue until election day rendering the endorsement useless to boost his campaign.  Word on the street is that he enlisted Wisconsin Right to Life folks (who oppose Personhood).  Had his endorsement come a week earlier, it could have made a significant difference in rallying conservatives to his candidacy. 


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