St. Norbert Abbey series spotlights local haven

The wonder of St. Norbert Abbey can be seen in its stately architecture and colorful stained glass.

The images often evoke awe in people of all ages, including 2-year-old Austin Beauchamp, grandson of Judy Turba, public relations coordinator of the Abbey.

"When he came into the church for the first time," said Turba, "his eyes got bigger and bigger, and all he said was, 'Oh. Oh, oh, oh. Oh!'"

Even in his youth, Austin recognized the magnificence of the Abbey within its 160-acre grounds. This unique setting is the inspiration for the six-part educational "Spotlight Tours" on the Abbey's architecture, symbolism and visionaries led by the Rev. Stephen Rossey, O. Praem., artist and historian.The initial presentation, "Unfinished Symphony: Spotlight on Architecture," will focus on the unique structure and style of the premises.
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The new abbey dedicated in 1959 (before Vatican II mind you)  We've seen that the 1950s was a decade of devastation in this state for beauty in churches.
An old parish church the Norbertines ran.

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