TPE: The hole truth

SNAP took the occasion of the Archdiocesan Mass of Atonement to press Archbishop Listecki to drop opposition to a motion by attorneys for sexual abuse victim-creditors in our Archdiocese's bankruptcy to unseal some documents, including depositions, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

"'Atonement, if it is genuine, means that you must first stop hurting victims right now and covering up right now,' victim-survivor Michael Sneesby, Milwaukee director of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, said in a statement."

The most blatant "covering up" is de-emphasizing the main reason for the crisis, that bishops left known child-molesting priests in place or re-assigned them, rather than remove them. An example of such virtual omission is Archbishop Listecki's recent statement, ironically titled Addressing False Implications. The closest he comes is quoting Pope Benedict XVI saying the matter was “sometimes very badly handled by Church leaders."
continue at The Provincial Emails

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