Target supports gay marriage with "Pride Promotion"

Target has spent the past two years fighting backlash over a political donation they said was about the business climate in Minnesota triggered a nationwide boycott from gay rights activists. Now, the company is launching a pride promotion in the month of June.

The retailer has pledged more than $100,000 to a group supporting marriage equality -- but rather than making a direct corporate donation, Target is essentially passing along donations from customers by connecting online T-shirt sales to a month-long promotion.

It works like this: Customers buy a shirt from a special collection, and then all the money from those sales will go to a group that supports LGBT families.

The LGBT community fought back against Target by refusing to shop there after the company donated $150,000 to Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer. Now, with up to $120,000 pledged to the Family Equality Council, the hope is those boycotters may reconsider reopening their wallets. 
more at Fox9

HT Ray


Badger Catholic said...


Anonymous said...

My daughter has registered for their wedding gifts there and they plan to boycott them instead.