Jurkus, +Weakland, and "Psycho-Sexual Integration"

 From a reader:
I'm just sending you this email to provide you with new information on the endeavours of Spirit-of-Vatican-2-friendly priest Fr. Alan Jurkus.

I do not attend St. Alphonsus anymore (too many heresies given outright or implied acceptance, and liturgical abuses continue... ) but my family still attends there.  In the bulletin:

"Thanks to all who signed the nomination forms recommending the Religious Women as a group to receive this year’s Vatican II Award. We will see what the archdiocese decides.

I have a priests’ council meeting this Tuesday. This is always a worthwhile meeting since the Archbishop has the opportunity to hear the wisdom of the priests on issues of importance for the future of our local church. 
[Like married priests or bad translations?]

I will be gone June 11-14 to attend the first convocation of the United States Association of Catholic Priests. In just eight months, we have grown from a group of 24 “founding fathers” (I was happy to be among them) to over 600 members. About 200 priests will gather for this conference called Keeping the Spirit of Vatican II Alive.
 Yes, that is a real conference that grown ups are actually attending.

The Spirit Godfather, His Excellency Rembert Weakland will be speaking, along with ... some others....
Fr. Bob Cushing - “Our Sacred Wound: Contemplation and Psycho-Sexual Integration”
This focus session is a workshop on Contemplation and Psycho-Sexual Integration. The method is through peer spiritual direction where a group of 5 to 15 men are invited to treasure life stories in a safe and sacred space through contemplative listening and responding. This is an invitation to be the sanctuary where personal story-telling in triads will empower men to name and claim their own sexual history.
Speaking of causes for the sexual abuse scandal.....

ht JK


Al said...

Not trying to be cynical or sarcastic, but isn't 600 about all the false "Spirit of Vatican II" priests still out there?

Badger Catholic said...

Not sure if that counts the ones laicised either....

Virginia Zignego said...

I found this article interesting about St. Alphonsus: http://www.jsonline.com/news/milwaukee/st-alphonsus-angels-turn-out-in-force-for-ill-students-sb5lfn0-157051955.html