MN: "Exterminate Christians one bullet at a time"

From an opponent of the Minnesota Marriage Amendment at the Minnesota State Fair.

I see HotAir has details


Anonymous said...

yes here is all we need to see at the fair i have never been more ashamed of the fair in this state in my life i am ashamed to say i live in minnesota with dredd wearing losers wearing shirts like this bash muslims like this and your asked to leave

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which way you want your post to be taken but I agree that there's some conflict of interest here: On the one hand, America allegedly has freedom of speech; on the other hand, it's becoming increasingly illegal to threaten people with words--and this is definitely a threat. maybe he was asked to leave after this picture was taken. I hope so, because that is a clear threat, whether he means to carry it out or not.

Anonymous said...

Standard parole attire. Hope he remembers that stick's back there before sitting down.

@9:57, that would normally be the case, and generally so, but completely acceptable if directed towards traditional or conservative or Christian.

Matt said...

I hope this guy doesn't drive by my house and try to "wack" me because of my MN for Marriage - 1 man 1 woman - vote yes sign.

Anonymous said...

It's a shirt from a local death metal band. Chill out, he's only wearing it to get a reaction. I've seen far worse shirts come out of the global metal scene.

Anonymous said...

@12:25 - oh, that's different ... so with THAT logic, scratching out 'Christian' and substituting it with, say, 'Gays', should bring no heat (only 'chill') when worn at a local Pridefest, right? So much for 'tolerance'. There is such a thing as personal responsibility for ones actions.

Anonymous said...

Christians should accept this guy for who he is. Judging people based on appearance or the clothes they wear is not very christian. Jesus didn't care about fashion, so shut it!

Anonymous said...

You can find the band, music and lyrics on Facebook under Demonicon Minnesota!

Anonymous said...

Lmao this shirt did what it was supposed to. Offend people. If you are offened by it then it did it's purpose. I like how wars can be held in the name of religion but once someone says hey lets exterminate christians like hitler did with jews and you all get your panties in a bundle.

Anonymous said...

Demonicon | Metal from Saint Paul, MN
Music, lyrics, videos, concert schedule, and more at ReverbNation.

Anonymous said...

Christians only seem to have a problem with deplorable acts of violence when the intended target is THEM...and if you need a fact check on that you can check my sack...aaaaaaaannnnnnnddd ALL OF HISTORY. ie Spanish Inquisition, The Crusades, Wiping out the Native Americans.....the list goes on and on and is as valid in today's world as it was then. The CATHOLIC church is the worst one of them all. Simply because it walks around with its nose in the air barely acknowledging that its had a hand in some of the greatest atrocities ever committed in human history. And you're getting all bunged up about a t-shirt? C'mon....say "The Lord's Prayer" give it 5 "Hail Mary" and move on with your day. Gimme a break.

Badger Catholic said...

Oh, now it all makes sense. These folks are artists, the highest life form on planet earth. And as a matter of fact, not only is the beauty of their art so resplendent that the Nine Muses have sung their praises(with lots of growling so they could understand), but look, they have also been enlightened with perfect knowledge of history and the Catholic Church! I think we can all agree that whatever we thought was true is false and whatever these experts tell us about their extensive knowledge of the history of the West, we must submit that they are totally correct. All hail Demonicon, the artists who have the answer to all of the bad things, real or fabricated, that have occurred throughout history! The Philosopher himself bows in respect, for they have found perfect wisdom and virtue!

Anonymous said...

All hail Demonicon indeed!

Ironpaw said...

No real counter-argument so you're going straight to the ad hominems! Sweet!

Just in case you don't know what an ad hominem is, here you go:

-Person A makes claim.
-Person B makes an attack on person A's character, circumstances, or action.
-Therefore A's claim is false.

The above is how you know your when opponent has run out of steam. That was fast, but not surprising!

Badger Catholic said...

"Person A makes a claim"? The claim is the phrase "Exterminate Christians one bullet at a time" as some kind of prophetic witness to atrocities committed by Christians is ridiculous. The 775 executions of the Spanish Inquisition is a far cry from atrocities performed by any other non-Christian group, from Stalin, to Mao, to the human sacrifice of the Mayans, Aztecs or Carthaginian. Atheism isn't an argument, it's a lack thereof.

But treating this as some kind of intellectual debate is quite frankly dishonest. This past century witnessed the murder of more Christians than all the previous centuries combined. It's not that Christians "can't handle" you as much as it is an eager disrespect for people you disagree with. If you had ever read this blog before you would know we are willing to entertain both sides of the coin. Folks like you just use two faced coins.