Cardinal Burke says spirit of Vatican II has been betrayed

Abandonment of internal church discipline over the past half century has undermined the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, said the American cardinal who heads the Vatican’s supreme court.

Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature and a former archbishop of St. Louis, made his remarks Tuesday in a written submission to the afternoon session of the world Synod of Bishops on the new evangelization.

The cardinal said a secular version of “antinomianism” — the belief that grace exempts Christians from obedience to moral law — is “among the most serious wounds of society today,” responsible for the legalization of “intrinsically evil” actions such as abortion, embryonic stem-cell research, euthanasia and same-sex marriage, and for the denial of conscience exemptions and other infringements of religious liberty.

“This antinomianism embedded in civil society has unfortunately infected post-council ecclesial life,” he said.

“Excitement following the council, linked to the establishment of a new church [ahem, or a new liturgy...] which teaches freedom and love, has strongly encouraged an attitude of indifference toward church discipline, if not even hostility,” he said. “The reforms of ecclesial life which were hoped for by the council fathers were, therefore, in a certain sense, hindered if not betrayed.”
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Aged parent said...

Your Eminence:

With the deepest respect I say these words: please stop flogging a dead horse, please stop trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Vatican 2 was a disaster, a tragic mistake, in total. It has no redeeming features whatsoever.

A Catholic can continue to be Catholic without ever having heard of Vatican 2 or participating in the idiotic New Mass that it inspired. It was an unneeded Council insofar as Catholic practice was concerned. It has added nothing to spirituality, reverence to God, subjection to Christ the King, the social duties of Catholics, nothing. Yes, we can be Catholic without that woebegone Council.

As to the negative effects of the Council...well, look around you.

Badger Catholic said...

Vatican II read with hermeneutics of continuity is a blessing for the Church.

You may be aware that ethnic parish cleansing was in full force in this state decades prior to the council.

Mary J said...

I am so grateful for the presence of Cardinal Burke in our Church at this most critical time. He is absolutely correct re Vatican II.. Many in positions of 'teaching' used Vatican II for their own misguided agenda and they were the agents of destruction, not Vatican II and what it really meant. Most Catholics I have spoken to in 30 years have never ever ever read one document of Vatican II. If many Cardinals and Bishops (and wow to those who did) gave the 'wrong' interpretation of Vatican II and they did.. just look at what many of them did with Humanae Vitae... they will answer to God himself. Thankfully some faithful Cardinals, Bishops, priests and religious along with many holy laity hung in.. The Church will see the New Springtime - I have no doubt. The cleansing is happening.. God will not be mocked!

Terrence Berres said...

"It has no redeeming features whatsoever."

Maybe it was the Holy Spirit's way of effectively getting the point across not to do it this way again.