Fr. Rocky at Bishop O'Conner Center Nov 2nd, All Souls Day

Knights of Divine Mercy host Fr. Rocky on All Souls Day. At the meeting last month, Fr. Heilman said this event is open to everybody.

There is quite a bit in Father's book about praying for the Holy Souls in purgatory and how that helps us win the spiritual battle upon us.

By the way, would today be the feast day of the Cathedral in Madison?


M.K. Schumacher said...

"By the way, would today be the feast day of the Cathedral in Madison?"

In the Tridentine calendar, yes. In the Novus Ordo it's September 29 (combined with the Archangels St Michael and St Gabriel). I still upgraded today's feast to I Class while praying the 1961 Office, even if the Diocese isn't officially celebrating its patron today...

Badger Catholic said...

I assume that the original Cathedral would have been consecrated on Oct 24 - but then it's strange territory on whether Oct 24th would still be the anniversary even though the feast moved. It makes sense to me to celebrate the original date in the EF.

Unknown said...

Yes, I believe it is now celebrated on September 29th, but with the EF back, it does mix things up a little bit. I would assume that it would be celebrated as I class/solemnity in both forms on their respective days, as Michael did.

By the way, the Mass at 5:30 on the 2nd will be ad orientem at the new altar bishop put in at the O'Connor center, and we WILL use black vestments for the Mass, of course. It is KDM, you know... :)

Badger Catholic said...

Awesome Ben!