Local Green Bay Group to protest NBC26 over SNL Sketch

Sometimes a good old-fashioned attention-getter is often what it takes to wake Christians up to the fact that time is short for sharing the hope we have in Jesus and the Gospel, as the world around us grows increasingly hostile to Christ’s message. Green Bay Wisconsin Christians are taking action in their outrage over how Saturday Night Live recently portrayed Jesus as a murderous, revenge-seeking psychopath in a skit called “Djesus Uncrossed,” as a movie trailer on February 16:
continue at StandUp 

HT Jen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this never works, I knew some people who were going to "protest" the Da Vinci code film, all it did was give the local news fodder for doing a story on the content of the Da Vinci code and drawing more attention to it. I think most people have either never seen or already forgotten this snl skit.