PLW: Pope Benedict XVI: The Pope of Personhood

On Thursday, February 28, Pope Benedict XVI abdicated the see of St. Peter. Since then, the world’s Catholics have been expressing their gratitude for this wonderful man of God. Indeed, Pope Benedict will be remembered for many things—his kindness and warmth, his intellectual brilliance, his reforms of the liturgy, and his commitment to Christian unity. But he should also be remembered for his pro-life efforts, and especially for his recognition of the personhood of the unborn.

In 2010, Pope Benedict made it unequivocally clear that the unborn are human persons, and the personhood begins at conception. He said during a homily:

“I wish to express my thanks to all who are specifically dedicated to welcoming and safeguarding human life in different situations of fragility, especially in its early days and in its early stages.”

“There is no reason not to consider [the human embryo] a person from conception.”
continue at Pro-Life Wisconsin


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