Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, orate pro nobis!

Perpetua was still a catechumen (not yet baptized), but who nevertheless identified herself as Christian. She handed over her still nursing baby and insisted on being put into the arena during a civic festival. After many tried to dissuade her, she got her wish.

With great heroism she faced the animals and gladiators. After many torments a young gladiator was sent to finish her off, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Finally, Perpetua grabbed his hand and pointed his sword at her own throat. The heroism of Perpetua inspired many people who also began to give strong witness to their faith and were subsequently imprisoned.

This was also the fate of a pregnant slave girl named Felicity (Felicitas).

Felicity had her baby just before the imprisoned Christians were in their turn all sent to the arena. The acta (trial records and transcripts) and ancient diaries indicate the charity these Christian martyrs had for each other in prison. There is a powerful scene related when Perpetua and Felicity arrange each others clothing so as to preserve their modesty even while they were being tortured. They bade each other farewell with that evocative ancient Christian gesture preserved in Holy Mass, the kiss of peace.

The farewell gesture of Perpetua and Felicity should remind us today to be dignified and to uphold the solemnity of the moment in Holy Mass if and when the optional sign of peace is invited.
read the whole article over at Fr. Z's


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