Abp. Hanus resigns from Dubuque, IA, Michael Jackels appointed already to replace

Hanus resigned, Jackels named Dubuque Archbishop
Archbishop Jerome George Hanus, O.S.B. resigned and Archbishop-designate Michael Owen Jackels was named Archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa, USA.

Archbishop-designate Jackels had been serving as Bishop of Wichita, Kansas
HT Madison Diocese

I'll post more as it is made available. 

Anyone know is policies?


Update from Al:
Archbishop-elect Jackels spent 8 years working under then Cardinal Ratzinger (now Papa emeritus Benedetto) at th CDF. Promotes Eucharistic Adoration, was chaplain for School Sisters of Christ the King who wear habits & are NOT part of the LCWR. Respect Life office is sponsoring a 1st Saturday Rosary (beginning next month) in front of the newly reopened abortion clinic that used to be run by Tiller.

Looks like there's a new sheriff in town.

From WCFCourier

In a statement released this morning, Hanus, 72, said, "As many of you know, my health has declined in recent years. As a result, some time ago I submitted my resignation as Archbishop to the proper authorities. In a recent telephone conversation, the Pope’s representative in the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, informed me that our Holy Father, Pope Francis, had accepted my resignation and appointed as the next Archbishop of Dubuque, the Most Rev. Michael O. Jackels, currently Bishop of Wichita, Kansas. My immediate response to the selection of him as my successor was: 'I am thrilled.'"

Jackels, who turns 59 on April 13, is the current bishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Wichita, Kan., appointed by Pope John Paul II on Jan. 28, 1995. He is a native of Rapid City, S.D., who moved frequently as a child of a military family from Wyoming to Spain to California before settling in Nebraska.

Prior to joining Kentucky’s St. Pius X Seminary in 1975, Jackels attended the University of Nebraska. He holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from St. Pius X and a master’s in theology from Mt. Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md. He earned his doctorate in sacred theology in 1989 from Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.


Greg said...

I was in the seminary with men from Wichita...I traveled to Wichita to visit some of them. Archbishop elect Jackels was a big promoter of vocations. I believe, also during his time there, Catholic families could send their children to any Catholic school tuition free! You simply had to attend Holy Mass on Sundays. Booyah, indeed.

Al said...

Matt, not that I am trying to plug my blog, OK just a little, but here is the link to the post I did on him yesterday.
IMHO "BOOYAH!" is an understatement. The excitement is palpable arround here.
