Bp. Morlino keynote at Benedictine College “Building a Culture of Freedom” conference

Benedictine College's Institute for Missionary Activity recently completed its second Symposium on the New Evangelization.

Titled “Building a Culture of Freedom,” the conference featured scholarly and practical talks on the Church’s response to new threats to the religious liberty rights. Diocese of Madison, Wis. Bishop Robert Morlino, Fellowship of Catholic University Students founder Curtis Martin, and Secretariat of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office of Justice, Peace, and Human Development Dr. Jonathan Reyes served as keynote speakers. Nearly 300 people attended the event.

According to The Gregorian Blog, presenters and keynote speakers suggested ways that the Catholic Church can respond to the critical challenges of our day.

Bishop Morlino suggested that beauty is a good entrée to the truth. “Beauty is not, in fact, simply in the eye of the beholder, from the viewpoint of reason,” he said. “For reason tells us that beautiful, good, true, and one are interchangeable; therefore, whatever is beautiful is also good and true, and expresses unity and harmony.”
continue at Newman Society

I don't see the talks posted online anywhere...  Let me know if they are.

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